Introduction and Contents.
NOTE. New Blog from Maurice Sweetsur - "Bible answers for kids" -
Who made God? Is there life elsewhere in the Universe? Why is my brother/sister nasty to me? When did God create the dinosaurs? Did Jesus really rise from the dead? Where is heaven? When will the world end? Why do we have earthquakes? Can Christians perform miracles?
These are just a few of the children’s questions that are answered in this Blog.
NOTE. To view the earlier Newsletters, scroll down to the bottom of the page, look under 'Archives' and click on 'September 2004'.
To find out more about my ministry to children in
If you wish to access only Object Lessons (passive, active and illusions), go to
If you wish to access only Bible lessons and Teaching Tips go to
If you wish to access only stories, skits and puppet plays, go to
To access "Bible answers for kids" go to
To access all my material on major teaching themes, check out the 'Special Blog' sites below :-
1. Creation.
2. Christmas.
3. Easter.
4. The Bible.
5. Prayer.
6. Hearing from God.
7. The Ten Commandments.
8. John 3.16.
9. Teaching Memory verses.
10. Gospel Illusions.
11. Object Lessons (using natural laws).
12. Lessons involving balloons.
13. Lessons involving fire.
To check out my 'Kidzone' site for children, go to
To access previous 'Kidzone' publications, go to :-
Maurice Sweetsur
"Your articles and ideas ministered to thousands of leaders around the globe. - - - - Your ideas really have made a global impact on children’s ministry!"
- Gary & Ailsa Linn, Children's Ministry Today.
Newsletter 80.
Teaching tip 53 - Discipleship.
Embarrassing moments and misunderstandings.
Stories that touch the heart.
Newsletter 78.
Teaching tip 52 - Getting to know your children.
Story - The old oak tree.
A retirement funny.
Newsletter 77.
(Theology for kids - Part 2).
Questions and answers.
1. What proof is there that God exists?
2. Why did Adam and Eve sin against God?
3. If Adam and Eve were white skinned, how did dark skinned people come about?
4. When did God create angels?
5. Where did Cain get his wife from?
6. Did God make cavemen?
7. Why is my brother / sister nasty to me?
8. If I ask God for something, will He give it to me?
9. Do people have more than one life on earth?
10. If God knows the future, does that mean that what is going to happen is going to happen?
11. Do all religions lead to God?
Newsletter 76.
(Theology for kids - Part 1).
Qesations and answers.
1 - Did Jesus really rise from the dead?
2 - Is Jesus really God?
3 - How can I know that the Christian faith is true?
4 - Did God write the Bible?
5 - When is Jesus coming back to earth?
6 - Why does God allow suffering?
7 - Can I be a Christian even if my parents aren't?
Newsletter 75.
T.T. 50 - The Church.
O.L. 36 - The fair distribution of food.
Story - Jesus for tea.
T.T. 51 - The road of life.
Ice breaker - Colour trick.
Kids and love.
"Little Johnny" funnies.
Newsletter 74.
(A 'John 3.16' special).
God's daily blessings.
Teaching John 3.16.
Illustration - Receiving Jesus.
Stories to illustrate John 3.16 :-
1. A soldier gives up his life for his friends.
2. Message in a bottle.
Newsletter 73.
(A 'Bible' special).
Teaching tip - Teaching Bible stories in context.
Story - Jo Jo and the umbrella.
Object Lesson - Obedience brings success.
Object Lesson - Straight and crooked roads.
Object Lesson - Drawing a picture whilst blindfold.
Object Lesson - God's Guidance.
Object Lesson - The flaming Bible.
Teaching tip - The progressive revelation of God.
Fundamental Beliefs - Did God write the Bible?
Newsletter 72.
Teaching top 49 - What children need to understand about God.
Story - "I give you me!"
Laugh break - Walking by faith.
Newsletter 71.
What proof would satisfy?
Puppet play - I don't believe in God.
T.T. 48 - The twelve days of Christmas.
A Scientist funny.
An Evolution funny.
A message by George Carlin.
Newsletter 70.
Cuthbert the clock.
O.L. 71 - Drawing a picture whilst blindfold.
"Conversations with God".
A brief Halloween explanation.
Can you read this?
Marriage humour.
Newsletter 69.
Story - Jo Jo and the Umbrella.
O.L. 38 - Obedience brings success.
O.L. 13 - God's Guidance.
A Lie funny.
Maurice's Blog sites.
Newsletter 68.
(A Creation special - Part 2).
Letter to an atheist - A Birdbox and a tree.
T.T. 20 - Creation and Evolution.
Creation or Evolution? - A comparison.
T.T. 47 - Big bang or big mess?
Your questions answered.
(Taken from "Kidzone - Archives" - ).
Who made God?
Is there life elsewhere in the universe?
Why did God make us, and the world?
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
When did God create the dinosaurs?
Why is water essential for life?
Why did God use Adam's rib to create Eve?
Newsletter 67.
(A Creation special - Part 1).
T.T. 43 - Our amazing earth.
O.L. 20 - Teaching Creation using balloon modelling.
T.T. 4 - Ideas on teaching about Creation.
O.L. 29 - A memory feat.
The vastness of the universe.
O.L. 37 - God can do things instantly.
O.L. 28 - God's provision.
Newsletter 66.
O.L. 70 - Long distance miracles (cutting a banana in half).
Monologue - Esther.
Church funnies.
The Bible and the cell phone.
Newsletter 65.
Consequences of Evolutionary teaching.
Creation or Evolution. Does it really matter what we believe?
T.T. 47 - Big bang or big mess?
O.L. 60 - Separation from God.
A heaven funny.
Newsletter 64.
T.T. 44 - Using Christian songs to teach Biblical truths (Part2).
T.T. 45 - Dead to the world.
T.T. 46 - The day of rest.
A refiner funny.
From a Mathematical viewpoint.
Newsletter 63.
Story - The portrait of the son.
T.T. 44. Using Christian songs to teach Biblical truths.
Laugh Break. George's favourite jokes.
Children's ministry in today's church.
Lessons from Noah's
Newsletter 62.
(A 'Prayer' special)
T.T. 31 - Teaching children to P.R.A.Y.
T.T. 1 - Getting children to pray in public.
T.T. 2 - How we should pray. A lesson from blind Bartimaeus.
T.T. 12 - The Lord's prayer.
Story - God knows best.
O.L. 53 - Using your fingers as a prayer reminder.
O.L. 52 - Ask and you shall receive.
O.L. 16 - Break in communication with God.
Newsletter 61.
Teaching tip 41 - Symbols of Christmas.
Teaching tip 42 - Commitment to Christ - Two analogies.
Teaching tip 43 - Our amazing earth.
Creation or Evolution?
Devotional - The Calling.
A Puzzle funny.
Newsletter 60.
Jimmy and the six weird witches (Parts 4 - 6).
Newsletter 59.
Jimmy and the six weird witches (Parts 1 - 3).
Newsletter 58.
T.T. 40 - Made in the image of God.
Story - Honouring your parents.
O.L. 67 - The writing on the wall.
O.L. 68 - Using the Mobius loop to teach Memory verses.
Quiz - Who am I?
Church Funnies.
Newsletter 57.
Story - The Little Monkey.
O.L. 38 - Obedience brings success.
Laugh break 2 - Why God made moms.
Newsletter 56.
(A Fire special)
O.L. 65 - The Flaming Bible.
O.L. 17 - Burning bush and fiery furnace.
O.L. 3 - Why does God allow suffering?
O.L. 32 - Facing trials and troubles.
O.L. 25 - Jesus is the light of the world.
O.L. 66 - Candle in a jar.
O.L. 19 - The meaning of the cross.
O/L/ 57 - Our sins are gone forever (Flashpaper).
Newsletter 55.
Story - "Hank" / Object lesson 64 - Jesus cleanses us from sin.
T.T. 39 - Why Christians praise God.
Ice breaker - "Hold your tongue."
Selection from parish bulletins (Part 2).
Newsletter 54.
Play - The water pump.
Object Lesson 63 - Three miraculous signs for Moses.
Teaching tip 38 - The progressive revelation of God.
Selection from Parish bulletins (Part 1).
Newsletter 53.
(An Easter special)
Teaching tip 18 - Jesus Understands.
O.L.18 - What happened at the cross? - Jesus takes away our sins.
O.L.19 - The meaning of the cross.
O.L. 48 - The resurrection of Christ.
O.L. 57 - Our sins are gone forever (Flashpaper).
O.L.25 - Jesus is the light of the world.
Puppet play - "What is Easter all about?"
Elimination Quiz 3 - Easter.
Game 1 - The forgiveness game.
Craft - Making a 'fun' Easter card.
Megan - A testimony.
Newsletter 52.
(A Balloon special)
Balloon game.
O.L. 62 - Jumping on balloons.
O.L. 13 - God's guidance.
O.L. 15 - Little sins grow bigger.
O.L. 27 - Needle through a balloon.
O.L. 32 - Facing trials and troubles.
Game - Forgiving others.
Teaching memory verses.
Teaching tip 6 - Use of balloon modelling in Children's ministry.
O.L.20 - Creation.
Newsletter 51.
Teaching tip 37 - Children are special.
O.L. 60 - We are valuable to God.
Story - The healing of the paralytic (Mark 2. 1-12).
O.L. 61 - Overcoming gravity.
Did God create evil?
Things to learn from a dog.
Newsletter 50.
(A Christmas special)
Puppet play - What is Christmas all about?
O.L. 8 - Receiving Jesus
T.T. 15 - Telling the C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S. story.
O.L. 54 - The Christmas tree.
Craft - Making a 'fun' Christmas card.
Elimination quiz - Christmas.
O.L. 25 - Jesus is the light of the world.
A Birthday Celebration.
Newsletter 49.
A story for Remembrance Sunday - Doing your duty.
Teaching Tip 35. Presenting puppet skits and plays.
Play. The Unmerciful Servant.
Teaching Tip 36. Steps to forgiving others.
Important Recall Notice !!
Newsletter 48.
Object Lessons (Physical).
O.L. 2 - Faith (A water experiment).
O.L. 3. Why does God allow suffering?
O.L. 5. Staying in the centre of God's will.
O.L. 7. God's protection.
O.L. 10. Walking on water.
O.L. 12. Straight and crooked roads.
O.L. 13. God's guidance.
15. Little sins grow bigger.
17.Burning bush and Fiery furnace.
19. The meaning of the cross.
23. Standing up under pressure.
24. Defeating evil with good.
27. Needle through a balloon.
31. Discovering your gifts.
32. Facing trials and troubles.
34. The seriousness of sin.
Object Lesson 40. - Samson pad.
Object Lesson 42 - Gravity.
Object lesson 56 - God's protection (Blow paper into bottle).
Newsletter 47.
T.T. 33 - Our lives are on loan from God.
T.T. 34 - Religion or Christianity.
O.L. 59 - The Mobius strip.
Object Lessons (Chemical).
Newsletter 46.
Teaching tip 32 - Peer pressure.
Play - Tenants on the farm.
Object lesson 58 - Saying 'No' to drugs.
Newsletter 45.
(An Illusion special)
Object Lesson (O.L.) 6. Defeating Giants.
O.L. 9. Which way?
O.L. 11. We are special.
O.L. 14. Making the right choice.
O.L. 16. Break in communication with God.
O.L. 22. Miracles.
O.L. 25. Jesus is the light of the world.
O.L. 29. A memory feat.
O.L. 30. The Trinity.
O.L. 33. Can we trust our senses?
O.L. 38. Obedience brings success.
O.L. 40. Samson pad.
O.L. 48. The resurrection of Christ.
O.L. 57. Our sins are gone forever (Flashpaper).
Newsletter 44.
T.T. 31- Teaching children to P.R.A.Y.
Definition quiz.
Story - Doing the right thing.
A Golf funny.
Newsletter 43.
Story - Daniel in the lion's den.
Story - Processionary caterpillars.
Play - Bartimaeus.
A Job funny.
Discipline in class.
Newsletter 42.
Story - DOG / GOD.
Story - Message in a bottle.
T.T. 29 - Memory verses on cardboard discs.
Play - Zacchaeus.
T.T. 30 - Teaching Bible stories as real history.
A success 'funny'
Newsletter 41.
Story - A free pardon.
Story - The true picture of your life.
O.L. 57. Our sins are gone forever (Flashpaper).
World Client.
Newsletter 40.
Teaching tip 27 - New Life in Christ.
Teaching tip 28 - Assurance of salvation.
Monologue -
Laugh Break.
Newsletter 39.
Teaching tip 26 - Head belief or heart belief?
- Story of Blondin.
Story - God uses children (Wesley Steelberg).
O.L. 56 - God's protection (Blow paper into bottle).
Things kids say (4).
Newsletter 38.
Teaching tip 25 - The Ten Commandments.
Story - God knows best.
Teaching Children to pray.
Harry Potter mania.
Things Kids say (3).
Newsletter 37.
Story - Feeding the 5000.
Teaching tip 24 - Knowing Jesus or knowing about Jesus?
Testimony - "May I call you - - - "
From the kids.
Things Kids say when praying.
Newsletter 36.
Story - A free pardon.
Excellence in Sunday School.
If children live - - -
Newsletter 35.
Teaching tip 23 - The Good Samaritan.
Play - The Good Samaritan.
Story - Jesus for tea.Love: A paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 13.
Why God loves little children.
Humour - Billy Graham.
Newsletter 34.
Teaching tip 22 - The lost son.
Play - The lost son.
Four gifts from the Father.
Story - A modern Prodigal.
Game 1 - The Forgiveness game.
Game 2 - Forgiving others.
Web sites for children.
Things kids say (2).
Sobering Blessings.
Newsletter 33.
Teaching tip 21 - The lost sheep.
Fun story - The lost sheep.
Lost sheep skit.
Seven core values every child needs.
A right funny.
Newsletter 32.
Creation or Evolution. Does it really matter what we believe?
Teaching tip 20 - Creation and Evolution.
Object Lesson 55 - The new birth.
Study finds 'Believers do not train their children' with faith in mind.
Craft 2 - Joined in love.
Newsletter 31.
Teaching tip 19. Teaching Bible stories in context.
1. God's Time Line
2. God's Plan for
3. God's Diary.
4. The Wordless Book.
5. The Seven C's of History.
6. Four words to describe the history of the world.
A Children funny.
Newsletter 30.
Teaching tip 18. Jesus Understands (Easter).
Elimination quiz 3 - Easter.
A love funny.
Newsletter 29.
What do children believe?
Blessings from children.
Teaching tip 17 - Ideas for teaching about Zacchaeus.
The Five Foundations of Children's Ministry.
Newsletter 28.
Teaching tip 16. How God speaks to us.
Newsletter 27.
Teaching tip 15. Telling the C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S. story.
O.L. 54. - The Christmas tree.
Craft 1.- Making a 'fun' Christmas card.
Elimination quiz 2 - Christmas.
Fundamental Beliefs 7. The work of Jesus Christ. 2. Jesus took us to the cross with Himself.
A Birthday Celebration.
Newsletter 26.
Helping children cope with acts of terrorism.
Teaching tip 14. What's in a name?
Object Lesson 53. Using your Fingers as a prayer reminder.
Elimination Bible quiz. 1. - General.
Fundamental Beliefs 7. The Work of Jesus Christ. 1. Jesus died for our sins.
Christian one liners.
A job funny.
Newsletter 25.
Teaching tip 13. Teaching Memory verses.
Fundamental Beliefs 6. The Person and work of the Holy Spirit.
Redefining Children's Ministry in the 21st. Century. By Becky Fischer.
10 Myths about children.
Newsletter 24.
Fundamental Beliefs 5. What do Christians believe?
Object Lesson 51. Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Object Lesson 52. Ask and you shall receive.
Teaching tip 12. The Lord's Prayer.
Explanation of God by an 8 year old.
A success 'funny'.
Newsletter 23.
Fundamental Beliefs 4. Why does God allow suffering?
Teaching Tip 10. Use of Storytelling.
Teaching Tip 11. What is love?
The letter reference.
Newsletter 22.
Fundamental Beliefs 3. Did God write the Bible?
Teaching tip 9. Noah's
Noah Jokes.
O. L. 49. R U E ?
O. L. 50. Trust. a. A mousetrap.
b. Falling backwards.
More Gems from the classroom.
Newsletter 21.
Fundamental Beliefs 2. Is Jesus really God?
Teaching tip 7. Use of Ventriloquism to teach class rules.
Teaching tip 8. Leading children to Christ.
Young children and salvation. By Terri.
Newsletter 20.
Fundamental Beliefs. 1. Did Christ really rise from the dead?
O.L. 48 - The resurrection of Christ.
Teaching Tip 6. Use of Balloon modelling in Children's ministry.
The Paradoxical Commandments - ANYWAY.
Newsletter 19.
Teaching Tip 5 - Developing good habits.
A. Teaching children how to make right choices.
O.L. 46 - Making right choices.
O.L. 47 - Choosing the right friends.
B. Teaching children to be generous givers.
Things Kids say.
Newsletter 18.
Teaching Tip 4 - Ideas on teaching about Creation.
O.L. 41. The earth, sun and moon (Acting out their motions).
O.L. 42. Gravity (Demonstration with a ball and string).
O.L. 43. Can nothing turn into something? (An experiment with an empty jar).
O.L. 44. Dependence on oxygen (Holding your breath)
O.L. 45. "Made after its own kind."(An Acorn example).
Seven reasons why not to mess with a child.
Newsletter 17.
Overcoming discipline problems - by making your lessons fun and exciting.
Teaching Tip 3. (For use with the David and Goliath story).
O.L. 39. Wrestling match (Defeating Giants).
O.L. 40. Samson pad (Defeating Giants).
5 things I have learned about Kids. by Karl Bastian.
Newsletter 16.
Teaching Tip 1 - Getting children to pray in public.
Teaching Tip 2 - How we should pray (A lesson from blind Bartimaeus).
O.L. 38. Obedience brings success (Pencil passes through a handkerchief).
What's wrong with grownups? by Rev. Ong Chooi Seng.
Newsletter 15.
Evangelising children - Your response.
O.L. 36. The fair distribution of food (Involving the children).
O.L. 37. God can do things instantly (Two instant calculations).
Testimony - Miracles do happen!
Newsletter 14.
O.L. 34. The seriousness of sin (Two methods).
O.L. 35. Sin grows rapidly (Two methods).
More classic comments - All from children.
More anecdotes from the doors.
Unusual answers.
Parting comments.
Do children need to be saved? - Evangelist Miller.
Newsletter 13.
O.L. 31. Discovering your gifts (Hidden colors).
O.L. 32. Facing trials and troubles (Balloon, water and fire).
O.L. 33. Can we trust our senses? (Audio and visual illusions).
Anecdotes from the doors.
Newsletter 12.
O.L. 29. Memory feat (Adam's amazing memory).
O.L. 30. The Trinity (An illusion with three ropes).
Classic comments - All from children.
I am a Christian because . . . . . . . .... ....
Newsletter 11.
O.L. 27. Needle through a balloon (Miracles / Testimony).
O.L. 28. God's provision (Dandelions).
Puppet play - How do you get to heaven?
A points funny.
Ice Breaker - A tongue twister.
Newsletter 10.
O.L. 25. Jesus is the light of the world (Trick candles).
O.L. 26. God is all knowing (Five different methods).
What children believe - Results of survey.
Newsletter 9.
O.L. 22. Miracles (Large disc goes through small hole).
O.L. 23. Standing up under pressure (Plastic tops in water).
O.L. 24. Defeating evil with good (paper is stronger than wood).
Gems from the classroom.
The questions Kids ask.
Newsletter 8.
O.L. 20. Creation (Balloon modelling).
O.L. 21. The Trinity (Food colorings).
Ice Breakers.
1. Body challenges.
2. Dumb laws.
3. Advice for kids.
Newsletter 7.
Puppet play - "What is Easter all about?"
O.L. 18. What happened at the cross (A chemical experiment).
O.L. 19. The meaning of the cross (Experiment with a candle, glass and water).
Newsletter 6.
O.L. 14. Making the right choice ('Force' the right card to be chosen).
O.L. 15. Little sins grow bigger (Bursting balloon).
O.L. 16. Break in communication with God (Restore a cut rope).
O.L. 17. Burning bush or Fiery furnace (Flaming cloth is not consumed).
Puppet play - "What is Christmas all about?"
Teaching Memory verses - Diminishing words.
Newsletter 5.
O.L. 12. Straight and crooked roads (Tearing strips of paper).
O.L. 13. God's guidance (A balloon guidance system).
John 3.16.
Story - A soldier gives up his life for his friends.
Teaching on John 3.16.
Newsletter 4
O.L. 9. Which way? (Octagon illusion).
O.L. 10. Walking on water. (Floating pin).
O.L. 11. We are special. (Rope illusion).
Newsletter 3.
O.L. 6. Defeating Giants (Optical illusion with two cards).
O.L. 7. God's protection (Coin is blown into dish).
O.L. 8. Receiving Jesus (Gifts have to be received).
Newsletter 2
O.L. 3. Why does God allow suffering? (Invisible ink).
O.L. 4. Filled with the Holy Spirit (Baking soda).
O.L. 5. Staying in the centre of God's will (
Newsletter 1.
Who is Maurice Sweetsur?
Object Lesson (O.L.) 1 - Growing to be like Christ (Fruit in bottle).
O.L. 2 - Faith (A water experiment).
Object Lessons - All Newsletters.
Newsletter Title.
1 Growing to be like Christ (Fruit in bottle). (Object lesson 1)
1 Faith (A water experiment). (2)
2 Why does God allow suffering (Invisible writing). (3)
2 Filled with the Holy Spirit (Baking soda) (4)
2 Staying in the centre of God's will (Cork floating on water). (5)
3 Defeating Giants (Optical illusion with two cards).(6)
3 God's protection (Coin is blown into dish). (7)
3 Receiving Jesus (Gifts must be received). (8)
4 Which way? (Octagon illusion). (9)
4 Walking on water (Floating pin). (10)
4 We are special (Rope illusion). (11)
5 Straight and crooked roads (Tearing strips of paper). (12)
5 God's guidance (A balloon guidance system). (13)
6 Make the right choice (Force the right card to be chosen). (14)
6 Little sins grow bigger (Bursting balloon). (15)
6 Break in communication with God (Restore a cut rope). (16)
6 Burning bush or Fiery furnace (Flaming cloth is not consumed). (17)
7 What happened at the cross (A chemical experiment). (18)
7 The meaning of the cross (Experiment with a candle, glass
and water). (19)
8 Creation (Balloon modelling). (20)
8 The Trinity (Food colorings). (21)
9 Miracles (Large disc goes through small hole). (22)
9 Standing up under pressure (Plastic tops in water). (23)
9 Defeating evil with good (Paper is stronger than wood). (24)
10 The Light of the world (Trick candles). (25)
10 God is all knowing (Five different methods). (26)
11 Needle through a balloon (Miracles/Testimony). (27)
11 God's provision (Dandelions). (28)
12 Memory feat (Adam's amazing memory). (29)
12 The Trinity (Illusion with three ropes). (30)
13 Discovering your gifts (Hidden colours). (31)
13 Trials and troubles (Balloon, water and fire). (32)
13 Audio and visual illusions (Test your senses). (33)
14 Sin is serious (Two methods). (34)
14 Sin spreads (Two methods). (35)
15 The fair distribution of food (Involving the children). (36)
15 God does things instantly (Two instant calculations). (37)
16 Obedience brings success (Pencil through a hankie). (38)
17 Wrestling match (Defeating Giants). (39)
17 Samson pad (Defeating Giants). (40)
18 The earth, sun and moon (Acting out their motions). (41)
18 Gravity (Ball on string). (42)
18 Can nothing turn into something? (Empty jar). (43)
18 Dependence on oxygen (Holding your breath). (44)
18 Made after its own kind (An Acorn example). (45)
19 Making right choices. (46)
19 Choosing the right friends. (47)
20 The resurrection of Christ (Coin through rubber sheet). (48)
22 R U E ? (49)
22 Trust. a. A mousetrap. b. Falling backwards. (50)
24 Taste and see that the Lord is good. (Trying out God's
promises for yourself). (51)
24 Ask and you shall receive (Asking God for our needs). (52)
26 Using your Fingers as a prayer reminder. (53)
27 The Christmas tree. (54)
32 The new birth. (55)
39 God's protection (Blow paper into bottle). (56)
41 Our sins are gone forever (Flashpaper). (57)
46 Saying 'No' to drugs. (58)
47 The Moibus strip. (59)
51 We are valuable to God. (60)
51 Overcoming gravity. (61)
52 Jumping on balloons. (62)
54 Three miraculous signs for Moses. (63)
55 Jesus cleanses us from sin. (64)
56 The Flaming Bible. (65)
56 Candle in a jar. (66)
58 The writing on the wall (67)
58 Using the Mobius loop to teach Memory verses (68)
65 Separation from God (69)
66 Long distance miracles (Cutting a banana in half) (70)
70 Drawing a picture whilst blindfold (71)
83 Changing water into blood.(73)
Object Lessons - By Category.
Category. Object Lesson Nos.
Bible. 13, 65, 68, 71.
Character 1, 3.
Christian Living 6, 13, 23, 24, 25, 31, 36, 39, 40, 58, 75.
Christmas 54, 76.
Creation 20, 28, 29, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 77
Easter 18, 19, 25, 48.
Faith / Miracles 2, 10, 17, 22, 27, 48, 61, 62, 63, 67, 70, 72, 73, 77.
God's love 8, 11, 69.
God's omniscience 26, 74.
God's omnipotence 37.
God's promises 51.
God's protection 7, 32, 56
God's provision 6, 28, 39, 40, 42, 44.
Heaven 49, 74.
Holy Spirit 4, 13.
New birth 55, 77
Obedience 5, 13, 38.
Our senses 33.
Prayer 16, 52, 53
Right choices 9, 12, 14, 46, 47, 69.
Self Esteem 60.
Sin / Forgiveness 15, 16, 18, 19, 34, 35, 57, 59, 64, 69.
Suffering 3, 23, 32.
The Trinity 21, 30.
Trust 50.
Witnessing 9, 25, 27, 66.
Teaching Tips.
Newsletter. Title.
16 Getting children to pray in public. (1)
16 How we should pray (A lesson from blind Bartimaeus). (2)
17 Overcoming discipline problems - by making your lessons fun and exciting.
17 Ideas for teaching the David and Goliath story. (3)
18 Ideas on teaching about Creation. (4)
19 Developing good habits. (5)
A. Teaching children how to make right choices.
B. Teaching children to be generous givers.
20 Use of Balloon modelling in Children's ministry. (6)
21 Use of Ventriloquism to teach class rules. (7)
21 Leading children to Christ. (8)
22 Noah's ark and the flood. (9)
23 Use of storytelling. (10)
23 What is love? (11)
24 The Lord's prayer. (12)
25 Teaching Memory verses. (13)
26 What's in a name? (14)
27 Telling the C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S. story. (15)
28 How God speaks to us. (16)
29 Ideas for teaching about Zacchaeus. (17)
30 Jesus Understands (Easter). (18)
31 Teaching Bible stories in context. (19)
32 Creation and Evolution. (20)
33 The lost sheep. (21)
34 The lost son. (22)
35 The Good Samaritan. (23)
37 Knowing Jesus or knowing about Jesus? (24)
38 The Ten Commandments. (25)
39 Head belief or heart belief? (26)
40 New Life in Christ (27)
40 Assurance of salvation (28)
42 Memory verses on cardboard discs (29)
42 Teaching Bible stories as real history (30)
44 Teaching children to P.R.A.Y. (31)
46 Peer pressure (32)
47 Our lives are on loan from God. (33)
47 Religion or Christianity. (34)
49 Presenting puppet skits and plays. (35)
49 Steps to forgiving others. (36)
51 We are valuable to God. (37)
54 The progressive revelation of God. (38)
55 Why Christians praise God. (39)
58 Made in the image of God (40)
61 Symbols of Christmas (41)
61 Commitment to Christ - Two analogies (42)
61 Our amazing earth (43)
63 Using Christian songs to teach Biblical truths. (44)
64 Using Christian songs to teach Biblical truths (Part 2). (44)
64 Dead to the world. (45)
64 The day of rest. (46)
65 Big bang or big mess? (47)
71 The twelve days of Christmas (48)
72 What children need to understand about God. (49)
75 The Church (50)
75 The road of life (51)
78 Getting to know your children (52)
79 Discipleship (53)
83.Christian myths (55)
Fundamental Beliefs.
Newsletter. Title.
20 Did Christ really rise from the dead? (1)
21 Is Jesus really God? (2)
22 Did God write the Bible? (3)
23 Why does God allow suffering? (4)
24 What do Christians believe? (5)
25 The Person and work of the Holy Spirit. (6)
26 The Work of Jesus Christ. 1. Jesus died for our sins. (7)
27 The Work of Jesus Christ. 2. Jesus took us to the cross with
Himself. (7)
Newsletter. Title.
1 Who is Maurice Sweetsur?
15 Miracles do happen.
37 "May I call you - - - "
53 Megan - A testimony.
74 God's daily blessings.
79 Embarrassing moments and misunderstandings.
Puppet plays.
Newsletter. Title.
6 What is Christmas all about?
7 What is Easter all about?
11 How do you get to heaven?
33 The lost sheep.
34 The lost son.
71 I don't believe in God.
Plays / Skits.
Newsletter. Title.
17 David and Goliath.
34 The lost son.
35 The Good Samaritan.
42 Zacchaeus.
43 Bartimaeus.
46 Tenants on the farm.
49 The unmerciful servant.
54 The water pump.
Newsletter. Title.
5 A soldier gives up his life for his friends.
17 David and Goliath.
33 The lost sheep.
34 A modern Prodigal.
35 Jesus for tea.
36 A free pardon.
37 Feeding the 5000.
38 God knows best.
39 Blondin (Head belief or heart belief?)
39 God uses children (Wesley Steelberg).
41 A free pardon.
41 The true picture of your life.
42 Message in a bottle.
43 Daniel in the lion's den.
43 Processionary caterpillars.
44 Doing the right thing.
49 Doing your duty. (A story for Remembrance Sunday).
51 The healing of the paralytic (Mark 2. 1-12).
55 "Hank"
57 The Little Monkey.
58 Honouring your parents.
59 Jimmy and the six weird witches (Parts 1 - 3).
60 Jimmy and the six weird witches (Parts 4 - 6).
63 The portrait of the son.
69 Jo Jo and the Umbrella.
70 Cuthbert the clock.
72 "I give you me!"
78 The old oak tree.
Newsletter. Title.
40 King
66 Esther.
Newsletter. Title.
27 1. Making a 'fun' Christmas card.
32 2. Joined in love.
Ice Breakers.
Newsletter. Title.
8 Body challenges.
8 Dumb laws.
8 Advice for kids.
11 Tongue twisters.
55 Hold your tongue.
75 Colour trick.
Newsletter. Title.
9 Gems from the classroom.
11 A points funny.
12 Classic comments.
14 More Classic comments.
18 Seven reasons why not to mess with a child.
19 Things kids say.
22 Noah Jokes.
22 More Gems from the classroom.
23 The letter reference.
24 Explanation of God by an 8 year old.
24 A success 'funny'.
26 Christian one liners.
26 A job funny.
27 A Birthday Celebration.
30 A love funny.
31 A Children funny.
33 A right funny.
34 Things kids say (2).
35 Humour - Biil Graham.
37 Things kids say when praying.
38 Things kids say (3).
39 Things kids say (4).
40 Laugh Break 1.
42 A success funny.
43 A job funny.
44 A Golf funny.
49 Important Recall Notice!!
51 Things to learn from a dog.
54 Selection from Parish bulletins (Part 1).
55 Selection from Parish bulletins (Part 2).
57 Laugh Break 2 - Why God made moms.
58 Church Funnies.
61 A puzzle funny.
63 George's favourite jokes.
63 Lessons from Noah's
64 A refiner funny.
64 From a Mathematical viewpoint.
65 A heaven funny.
66 Church funnies.
66 The Bible and the cell phone.
69 A Lie funny.
70 Can you read this?
70 Marriage humour.
71 A Scientist funny.
71 An Evolution funny.
72 Ponderisms.
72 Laugh Break - Walking by faith.
75 Kids and love.
75 "Little Johnny" funnies.
78 A Retirement funny.
78 Serenity.
83 Laugh Break - "Things learned with time."
Newsletter. Title.
9 The questions kids ask.
10 What children believe - Results of survey.
14 Do children need to be saved?
15 Evangelising children - Your response.
16 What's wrong with grownups?
17 Overcoming discipline problems - By making your lessons
fun and exciting.
17 5 things I have learned about kids.
21 Young children and salvation.
25 Redefining Children's ministry in the 21st. Century.
25 10 Myths about children.
26 Helping children cope with acts of terrorism.
29 What do children believe?
29 Blessings from children.
29 The five foundations of Children's ministry.
32 Study finds 'Believers do not train their children' with faith in mind. 33 Seven core values every child needs.
35 Why God loves little children.
36 Excellence in Sunday School.
38 Teaching children to pray.
43 Discipline in class.
63 Children's ministry in today's church.
Newsletter. Title.
12 I am a Christian because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
13 Anecdotes from the doors.
14 More anecdotes from the doors.
14 Unusual answers.
14 Parting comments.
Newsletter. Title.
34 The forgiveness game.
34 Forgiving others.
52 Balloon game.
Newsletter. Title,
26 Elimination Bible quiz 1 - General.
27 Elimination Bible quiz 2 - Christmas.
30 Elimination Bible quiz 3 - Easter.
37 Riddle.
44 Definition quiz.
58 Who am I?
Newsletter. Title.
20 The paradoxical commandments - Anyway.
34 Sobering Blessings.
35 Love: A paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 13.
36 If children live - - -
37 From the kids.
61 The Calling.
71 A message by George Carlin.
79 Stories that touch the heart.
Newsletter. Title.
5 John 3.16.
6 Memory verses - Diminishing words.
41 World Client.
51 Did God create evil?
61 Creation or Evolution?
71 What proof would satisfy?